Adhesive Dispenser Equipment
Since the development of glass sealing dispenser equipment for a wind
shield and a rear window 1990, we have achieved a great amount of
volume of supply more than 100 units of urethane applicator equipment globally,
by which more than 10 million cars were produced for the world market.
In recent years, our effort has not been confined to sealing window glass, but we have expanded into a new area of the auto industry, where our technology is applied for sealing high pressure hydrogen tanks and engines, etc. The equipment made by our unique technology has been playing an import role to support the advanced technologies of the auto industry.
- Process Design
for Shorter Machine Cycle - Compact
Layout - High Teaching Skills
to Robots
Robot Dispenser System
Product Information
We apply a wide range of dispenser systems for various purposes to put them into the practical use of industry. We have attained the improved installation of various workpieces such as the windshields and rear windows of large size vehicles, and also for the efficient installation of cylinder workpieces of hydrogen tanks. With the robot urethane dispenser system applied for an automobile windshield installation, the high-speed cycle of one cycle within 56s has been attained, and as for the space required for the operation, it has reduced to 1/3 of the space compared with the case in the conventional method of operation.
Araki’s experts are well versed in such mechanism of technology that they can create a system that traces a curved surface, and generate high robot trajectory.
- Speed of Robot Dispenser: 330mm/sec.
- High Dispensing Accuracy: less than ±1 mm
- Space-saving Design: L 3.2 m x W 2.5 m

Smart Positioning System (Servo Control)
Product Information
This is not a multi joint robot, but the system is composed of the servo motors combination for dispensing operation. System upgrading is attained by low propulsion, and difficult trajectory (e.g. sharp turn) has become possible.
- No Need of Fence and Good for Space-saving (In-house reduction rate: 40%)
- Drastic Reduction of Consumed Electric Power by Low Propulsion
- Easy to Relocate because of the Weightlessness of the Equipment (with caster attached)
- No Need of Robot Teaching Qualifications, and Easy to Teach

Dispensing Form Measuring System
Product Information
Due to the nature of the work, the quality of adhesive can not be reconfirmed after installation. We would like to present a measuring system to meet the level of customer requirements.
Systems of Past Proposal
- Complex Type System with Laser and Camera
- Stereo Camera Type
- Laser light Disconnecting Type

Contact Us
Please contact us for further information,
questions and inquiries as follows.