Personal Information Protection Policy
Araki Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, the "Company"), the official website of which URL is (, hereinafter, the “Website” complies with the laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information of customers, business partners, and Company employees obtained over the course of operations and services, and has voluntarily established rules and a framework for handling such information. We promote the importance of recognition regarding the protection of personal information by all employees, ensuring a thorough implementation of such initiative.
Safety Management Measures of Personal Information
The Company shall implement organizational, personal, physical, and technical information security measures in a suitable manner including in-house education to prevent any and all personal information from unauthorized access, damage, alteration, leakage, etc., and for any other safety management of personal information. The Company shall also take necessary and appropriate measures in supervising employees and entrusted parties, and thereby endeavor to implement appropriate management.
Purpose of using Personal Information
There are cases in which personal information such as the name, email address, phone number, etc. are required to register. However, the Company will not ever use the obtained personal information for any purpose beyond the purpose of use without obtaining consent from the relevant customer.
The personal information that the Company has obtained shall be used for responding to inquiries and requests by email and/or for sending materials only.
Provision/ Disclosure of Personal Information to a Third Party
The Company shall not disclose any obtained personal information to except where any of the following applies:
- Customer consent has been obtained;
- Cases in which the Company outsources the service requested by the customer;or
- Cases in which the provision of personal information is required by laws
Implementation of Safety Measures of Personal Information
The Company ensures thorough safety of the personal information, security measures for the accuracy and safety of personal information.
Personal Information Inquiry Contact
In case of requests on referring to the personal information in our possession or to correct or delete such information, contact us through the inquiry channel that the Company prescribes. After verification of the identity of the party making the request, we will cope with the request appropriately.
Access Analysis Tools
This website uses “Google Analytics” as a tool for collecting and
analyzing access logs.
This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data, which are
collected anonymously and will not identify an individual. This function
can refuse the collection by making Cookie null. Please confirm the
setting of browsers.
Refer to for the detail.
All content on this website is copyright protected.
Any use of all text, images and videos etc. and all other information
contained in the website is prohibited and would require permission,
except the range of quotation where permitted by the patent laws.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations, and Review of Same
The Company shall comply with laws and regulations applied for the
personal information protection, and shall review the contents of the
policy appropriately as needed.
The revised privacy policy shall be updated and disclosed in the
Personal Information Inquiry Contact
In case of requests on referring to the personal information in our possession or to correct or delete such information, contact us through the inquiry channel that the Company prescribes. After verification of the identity of the party making the request, we will cope with the request appropriately.
Araki Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Postal Code: 471-0036
6-11 Hirokute-cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi-ken
Araki Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
President and Representative Director Takashi Araki
Drafted: Sept. 1, 2019
Latest Revision: April 30, 2020
Contact Us
Please contact us for further information,
questions and inquiries as follows.